If the legislation passes, using Google Glass while driving would incur a hefty fine. For the first offense, you will be charged $100. Every offense following will incur an accumulative $100 charge (i.e 2nd offense = $200, 3rd offense = $300, and so on). Driving while wearing Google Glass wouldn’t be worth the risk, especially since buying the device itself will cost you a fortune.
It should be noted that Howell doesn’t hate the idea of Google Glass, and in fact sees it as the future. However, he believes that using Google Glass will pose a great danger to drivers, especially the younger, teen drivers. He stated,
“We heard of many crashes caused by texting and driving, most involving our youngest drivers. I see the Google Glass as an extension.”
It all depends on what happens when the device actually comes out, and if people are responsible enough to use it. We shouldn’t really have to worry about too many teens buying Google Glass when it comes out and using it while they’re driving, because its doubtful that many of them can afford its high price-tag.
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