Following on from the Canvas HD launched earlier this year, Micromax unveiled its newest flagship in India today: the Canvas 4 (aka A210). It's pretty similar to the HD, packing an identical 5-inch 720p IPS LCD display (under a Gorilla Glass panel), MediaTek MT6589 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM and 2,000mAh battery. Improvements over the HD that may justify its higher price include the 4's 16GB of internal storage (expandable to 32GB), 13-megapixel main camera with Sony sensor and 5-megapixel front-facing shooter. An aluminum rim wraps the handset, which measures 8.99mm thick (0.35 inch) and tips the scales at 158 grams (5.6 ounces). With dual-SIM support and a radio capable of HSPA+ data speeds, the device runs Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean and touts software features like blow-to-unlock, look-away video pausing and pop-up window multitasking. Available in "Pristine White" and "Smoky Grey," the Canvas 4 costs Rs 17,999 (around $295) with a free aluminum flip cover apparently worth Rs 2,999 (approximately $49) thrown in.(Engadget)
HTC decided to invest in such a brand by launching the One series of smartphones last year, although the company was not able to impose its own product names to certain carriers. Then, just a few days ago, the company launched the HTC One, which is going to be the company’s only One-branded handset this year, a make-or-break kind of project for the Taiwanese Android maker that’s still having a tough time fighting against the competition, especially Samsung. We were under the impression that HTC will further invest in its One brand and not budge to carrier demands anymore when it comes to changing the name of the product – in the U.S., AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile are going to sell it as the HTC One. But it looks like things aren’t necessarily so, and no, it’s not Verizon that’s going to get its way selling the One as the Droid DNA Plus, as it was recently rumored. We’re looking at China Mobile this time around, which has announced the HTC One as the HTC TD 101. That’s certa...
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