Amateur sky watchers wanting to get a look at the comet can now see ISON with a high quality set of binoculars or small telescope. The comet will make its closest encounter with the sun on November 28. That pass will bring the comet within 730,000 miles of the surface of the sun.
Sky gazer Pete Lawrence from Selsey in the UK said:
I have made my first confirmed binocular sighting of C/2012 S1 ISON as well. ISON’s head appears small and stellar through a pair of 15x70s optics.
The comet can be seen near the constellation Virgo right now. It’s visible low in the predawn eastern sky. Right now the comet is said to be about the same brightness as a magnitude 8 star. That makes it too dim to see with the naked eye, but easy to spot with a telescope or binoculars.
The comet will put on a nice light show in December, if it survives its pass with the sun. Some fear the comet will break apart as it approaches the sun. There is a chance the comet will get bright enough to be seen with the naked eye. SlsshGear , NASA
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