When it comes to top of the range , electric executive sedans , one can not think of a alternative to Tesla's Model S ,The EV sedan is promoted as the companies flagship model and alternative to the gasoline powered European and Japanese rivals who have been pretty much dominating the executive car segment for decades .With Tesla turning into a household name , the company is now focused on competing in the SUV segment with its Tesla Model X which is set to be available next year , all this might be good news for people with deep wallets , but now Tesla is planning on bringing its EV technology to the entry level executive sedan segment with the Tesla Model 3 . The car ,which is estimated to cost around $30-35,000 is half the price of its bigger brother - the Model S . Previously known as the Tesla Model E , the company later had to change it to the Roman numerals (III) because Ford took legal action after they used the Model E name .Tesla's Model III , according to Tesla is 20% smaller than the Model S ,but instead of becoming a cut down version , it is said to be a whole new platform built from the ground up. The batteries will be manufactured in house at Tesla's future "Gigafactory" plant , which is still not built . The car is said to be unveiled in 2016 , which is one year after Tesla starts production of its Model X suv . Although the range of the car is not available , many estimate the car to have the same 200 mile range as the bigger Model S thanks to improved battery technology .The Model III(3) will go into production in 2017 and as Elon Musk says - “We want people to fall in love with their car and look forward to driving it,”
Written by Rakitha for MasHD
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