exceptional performance thanks to Nvidia's Kepler powered K1 chipset and timely updates including Android 5.0 are just some of the good things about the $299 tablet .Being a Nvidia Tegra device , the Shield supports NvidiaTegraZone - which is Nvidia's own game and app store for tegra devices . Games like Trine 2 and Half Life were pre installed in the device and now Half Life 2 Episode One is available for those who own a Shield tablet . The App on its own costs $7.99 but if you happen to own a Shield tablet with LTE ($399) the game is available free for download . The app is 2.65GB and it is recommended you have a separate controller for moving around . The game is sadly not available to users who own older Tegra devices powered by the Tegra 3 and Tegra 4 processors which include the Tegra Shield portable .
Written by Rakitha for MasHD
Source - SlashGear
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