When Tata went about making the Tata Nano -
the worlds cheapest car , many amenities were sacrificed in order to reach the target production price, good looks , a powerful engine and a comfortable ride and (cough cough..passenger safety) were skipped and it therefore didn't reach the target sales figures the company expected .Although the car is still seen peppering along the streets of India and Sri Lanka as cheap taxi cabs or family runabouts, the car has now been given some street cred thanks to JA Motorsports who has basically made the humble hatchback into something that looks like it came out of a cereal box . Say hello to the JA Motorsports - Tata
Super Nano . Armed with a 230 Bhp engine that hits a top speed of 190 Kmph (116 mph) is leagues away from the from the stock versions 38 Bhp 635cc engine that hits a total 105 Kmph (65mph) . The car is also given AP racing brakes , new blackened exhausts and new rims with MRF ZLO tires and a full body kit as well as a full roll cage with Recaro bucket seats (sorry , the back seat is gone ) . Unlike the budget oriented Tata Nano , the modded Super Nano hits a eye watering $40000 which is the same amount of money as most entry level sports sedans and high end hatchbacks , but nevertheless the Super Nano is a testament to crazy motor engineering which when combined with the Nano's zero star NCAP safety rating and higher than average center of gravity makes it one hell of a ride if you have the money or guts to drive it .
Written by Rakitha for MasHD
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