Energizer has unveiled 2 new smartphones to its new lineup including the Energizer Hard Case G5 - the company's first 5G handset - which is powered by a Mediatek Dimensity 720 has 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The device, which has a 6.3" FHD IPS display also features a V-shaped notch which houses a 8MP sensor up front. The rear cameras are 48MP main and 13MP ultra wide and a 20MP Night vision enabled camera with an infrared illumination lamp. The handset features a 5000 mAh battery and is IP69 certified and comes with its own built -in tough case. The phone ships with Android 11 and is. priced at $600. The Energizer Ultimate U680S is basically a barebones budget android handset and this is powered by a Unisoc SC9863A processor and comes with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage. The handset features a 6.8" IPS 720P display and has a 13MP rear main camera , a 2MP Macro camera and a VGA sensor for depth and a 5MP front sensor. The phone runs Android 11(Not Go Edition...
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